
***This is my personal website Disclaimer***

Any opinions expressed are solely my own and do not express the views or opinions of others.  

I am an information organizer I would say more so than a writer. 

Nothing that I provide here constitutes Financial, Medical, Legal or any other advice that I would need a license for or some sort of professional credentials it's basically resources and information that I like to gather and collect and share with people hopefully you find this life enriching :) 


I own my own technology consulting company called  technicallyeasier.com I offer a digital handyman service with tech and website support I enjoy empowering customers  to reach their full potential.   

Check out my   LinkedIn  if you would like more info about my professional background.  

 I ran for Hiawatha Iowa City Council in 2024, I will run again. Here is my campaign website.  https://cjflynn.net/ 

I am an avid reader of mostly non-fiction books.  My interests include many topics, such as libraries , History, technology, and economics.    

I enjoy experimenting with old and new tech gadgets to learn how they work.  In my spare time I like to write poems, feed and look at birds, take photos, and volunteer at various community organizations.

If you find this site helpful and would like to contribute to my work you can gift me money at this site any amount $1 & Up :) 

I created a make money page as a way for people to make money both online and locally within the Cedar Rapids Iowa metro area.

Tree of Knowledge with roots

Tree of Knowledge 

Wise man looking away with stack of books

What will we find while were looking?